Maesha Research Project

Decarbonising an energy system – real-life trials are happening now

Right now, on a small island called Mayotte situated between Madagascar and Mozambique, the future of the electricity grid is taking shape. And Centrica DSR is helping to make it a reality.

Pioneering in a remote paradise

Mayotte is just one of many islands disconnected from the continental power grid therefore it has an energy system that uses imported fossil fuels.

These islands are surrounded by abundant sources of renewable energy, such as solar, wind and biomass. But until now they haven’t been able to harness it to provide the steady, reliable energy that everyone needs.

The MAESHA Project

Bringing together over 20 partners, the MAESHA Project aims to improve Mayotte’s energy system by using the latest energy technologies, including demand side response – helping the island to decarbonise and meet all its energy needs through renewables. This is one of the first ever real-life trials to decarbonise an energy system and is a huge step towards the future of renewable energy.

Centrica DSR will play an important role in this by aggregating flexibility of residential solar energy and cooling systems across the island. This will reduce load on the grid at busy times and bring down the energy costs for consumers.

Renewable energy, one island at a time

Mayotte is just the first of 2,400 islands to see its energy transformed by the MAESHA project. What we learn from this project could help make a net zero future possible for 16 million islanders – and make a big difference to some of our most delicate ecosystems. 

The MAESHA Project is just one of the many research initiatives we’re involved in as we continue to improve our smart energy solutions for consumers.

If you’d like to find out more about this project – or about how Centrica DSR can help you – get in touch to speak with one of our experts.

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The MAESHA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 957843 (MAESHA)

In a nutshell

With the use of our demand side response technology, we’re playing a key role in the MAESHA Project, helping to decarbonise an energy system for the first time ever.


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